Jun 20, 2016

Entertainer living with kidney disease : reveals effect of OJB’s death

A Veteran broadcaster and host of music talk show ‘The Gist’ on HipTV, Emma Ugolee, who has been living with kidney disease for the past four years has revealed how the death of late music maker, OJB Jezreel affected him and narrated how his friends and associates were concerned over his health status.
“It all made sense when news filtered in that OJB had just died from a disease I have battled with for over four years. The general concern being the psychologic impact of being  reminded of the likelihood of one’s demise, thanks to the unpredictable and deadly nature of living without a functional kidney” he wrote solemnly,

According to him, on hearing that OJB has passed on, his friends concern for his health grew and it gave rise to many of them putting calls through to make sure he was okay.

The acclaimed ‘king of talk shows’ assured his friends he is well aware of his condition and went into an almost poetic repertoire that he is not fazed by the condition, citing examples of great people who have risen above their conditions and environments.

“Too many phone calls yesterday with everyone just checking to see how I was doing”, he wrote on his Facebook page, day after news of OJB’s death broke.

The acclaimed ‘king of talk shows’ assured his friends he is well aware of his condition and went into an almost poetic repertoire that he is not fazed by the condition, citing examples of great people who have risen above their conditions and environments.

Now it was time to return the calls and assure every single one that the unfortunate event is no reason to lose faith. It’s no proof that I must toe a similar line. 

“ The fact that a pattern surrounds you does not mean your future has been moulded by it?

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